About Beyond Vision
Beyond Vision works tirelessly to bring bleeding edge custom virtual and augmented reality solutions to enterprise customers. From 3D design tools in a virtual space to heads-up displays for surgeons in the operating theater, we bring imagination to life.
Another Dimension
Anything you can imagine, anything you need, we’re here to make it happen. Don’t get stuck using yesterday’s technology to do the jobs of tomorrow.

We create the experiences and tools you imagine.
Our Founder
Francesca McGiggles
Francesca worked for fourteen years in the MIT Applied Interactive Technologies lab before moving on and applying her skills to the Beyond Vision. Now, with a valuation of a half-billion dollars, she is leading the company to a new era.
“The technology is there. We simply need the courage and the knowledge to put it to real use.”
--Francesca McGiggles
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a quote for a project?
Reach out to us via our Request for Pricing page with a description of your project and you budget.
Do I have to buy into Beyond Vision’s proprietary hardware?
No, Beyond Vision software works with a number of commercially available headsets. Depending on the needs of your project, the hardware requirements may vary.
Will you release any of your products to the public at large?
At this time, we are focussed on tailored enterprise solutions. We have no plans for any public release in the immediate future.